Domingo, el de las horas muertas
llama desde el bosque al sol:
- Duérmete, bonico, al monte
y deja de mí las mañanas,
que lunes tenemos de más
y nunca nos sobran las ganas.
It's like forgetting the words to your favorite song
You can't believe it
You were always singing along
It was so easy and the words so sweet
You can't remember
You try to feel the beat
Eet, eet, eet, eet
Eet, eet, eet, eet
You spent half of your life trying to fall behind
You're using your headphones to drown out your mind
It was so easy, and the words so sweet
You can't remember
You try to move your feet
Eet, eet, eet, eet
Eet, eet, eet, eet
Someone's deciding whether or not to steal
He opens the window just to feel the chill
He hears that outside a small boy just starting to cry
'Cause it's his turn but his brother won't let him try
It's like forgetting the words to your favorite song
You can't believe it
You were always singing along
It was so easy and the words so sweet
You can't remember
You try to move your feet
It was so easy and the words so sweet
You can't remember, you try to feel the beat
Si estaré harto de cosas enanas,
Que aún a sabiendas como manzanas...
Saltan las horas, tiempos añejos,
Pasan Alicias en un reloj
Que nada quieren que no sea un beso,
De esos que sabe dar un conejo...
Dadme una rosa, dadme un abrigo,
Dadme un imperio que conquistar.
Llamadme reina sin enemigos.
Y de tenerlos...¡decapitad!
Bébete el mar, marinero,
Y déjame a mí de salero.
Cada vez que añoro, temo y dudo
pienso en aquella mañana
y mi llanto mudo.
Cinco vasos de cerveza,
tres chupitos y un fular,
son las cosas que en el zulo
regalaron uno a uno
pa la boda y el ajuar.